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Overseeding in Tulsa - How to succeed with Fescue Lawns in Tulsa

Posted by David Land on Thu, Sep 06, 2012 @ 12:17 PM

It's Not so HOT, But My Poor Lawn

Fescue lawns in tulsa

 Every August, cool season lawns look pretty bleak in Oklahoma.  I guess the term, "Cool Season Lawn" should give it away.  The best practice is  in  September to Overseed the damaged turf, predominantly Tall Fescue, to create a full lawn.




How to overseed in Tulsa

It is easy to Overseed if you follow the right steps.  Follow these steps and you are almost guaranteed to have a lawn that is the envy of your neighborhood.

  1. Have a soil test -  OSU Extension offers this service, however it takes severals weeks.  Follow their corrective recommendations.
  2. Mow short -  Lower the mower to cut lawn as short as possible.  This may have to be done increments.  Remove clippings.  Seeds grow in soil,  not in grass thatch
  3. Aerate the soil - If you suspect you have even a minor problem, aeration offers the best solution to use less water, create deeper roots, and overall improve the health of your lawn.    There are two types of Aeration- Mechanical & Liquid.    We prefer the Liquid aeration using SoilTech polymers based product.    SoilTech solves soil compaction, poor drainage, and poor mechanical aeration results.
  4. Blends are Best - Choose a blend of several different varieties of seed.  My favorite is Heartland Supreme Tall Fescue with Bluegrass.  This has 5 different varieties and has performed the best of any I have used over the last 5 years.
  5. Seed at a reasonable rate -  I use about 5-7  pounds per 1,000 square feet when using Heartland Supreme.
  6. Fertilize  - The best types of fertilizer are slow release  with trace elements.  The trace elements are like One-A-Day vitamins for Turfgrass.  Milorganite is my choice. Apply the fertilizer imeadiately after seeding.
  7. Proper Watering -   Three stages of watering will produce the best results.  Seedling -  short cycles two- four time daily for 7-14 days.  Establishment - Once daily for 7-14 days.  Maturity - once you have mowed for the first time, try to only water every other day.  Roots need to go deeper and they need a dry time.  click this link for a great article on watering.   Watering blog

Follow these instruction that we have hundreds of times and your lawn will look great!!


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  1. Aeration Re

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